
yoga labI give Tai Chi and Chi Kung classes twice a week in Amsterdam, on Monday afternoon and Friday evening. Address: Yoga Lab, Koningstraat 36, just off the Nieuwmarkt. 


Trial class (Proefles): €12

Single lesson: €17,50

Ten-lesson card (strippenkaart), valid three months: €125

Annual subscription:

  • Two 1-hour classes per week: €47,50/month
  • Two 2-hour classes per week: €70/month

Private classes: €45/hour

Participating via Zoom

If you would prefer not to join us in the Yoga Lab studio or live at a distance from Amsterdam, you can also attend my twice-weekly classes via Zoom. A few minutes before the start of each class, I will send you an invitation with the Zoom link via email. It is almost as good as being there in person!